πŸ•Wild Epochs

Making Tomb Unpredictable

The casino effect.

Random Epoch Lengths Between Three and Nine Hours

Wild Epochs utilize Chainlink VRF to generate a random length for each Epoch, preventing user-automated scripts, premeditated dumping and general manipulation of the protocol tokens.

Nobody can predict when rewards will be available or when lockups will end, not even us.

Random Masonry Unlock/Reward Times

Staking your share tokens (SQUARE) in the Masonry has the typical 6 Epoch lock and LEVEL rewards can be collected every 3 Epochs.

Withdrawing SQUARE and/or LEVEL is based on the length of each Epoch while staking in the Masonry.

The use of random epochs within a new Tomb Fork creates unpredictability that makes it difficult for market manipulation and rewards those who are willing to stake their SQUARE for random lengths of time.

Last updated