LEVEL above peg provides profit sharing for all.

Pegged To BNB

Our optimized, built-in stability mechanisms are designed to maintain LEVEL's peg to BNB for continued user rewards and protocol longevity by multiple methods of buy pressure and added liquidity.

Optimized TWAP Stability

  • Our contracts automatically convert 3% of every SQUARE sale into LEVEL/wBNB LP - creating constant buy pressure and liquidity for LEVEL no matter the TWAP.

  • The Fire Tax begins a sliding tax that increases as the TWAP falls under peg.

  • Developer pay STOPS and begins swapping their SQUARE into LEVEL liquidity, adding further buy pressure to LEVEL and more liquidity until we re-peg.

  • The Peg Defense Fund builds an allocation of BNB while over peg in order to buy-back LEVEL when under-peg and add LEVEL/wBNB LP.

  • Treasury funds are used for buybacks and added liquidity to both LEVEL and SQUARE when necessary.

Mystery Box & Wildcard sales are also sent to the Peg Defense Fund and are utilized in combination with the above methods to quickly restore LEVEL's peg and resume expansion.

Last updated